September-A different type of New Year


In January as we all celebrate the new year, we make resolutions to change habits and create new goals for the year. This is typically the time of year when we start new routines and projects. We create a list of all the things we plan to do in the months ahead.

As a teacher though, I have always felt that September is like a mini new year. This is the time when many are going back to school and we reset ourselves. Our summer months are filled with sunshine and play, we might even become a little lazier during the summer while we take our vacation time. Also if you’re anything like me then you spend days at the beach just relaxing.

When September rolls around, the season and weather starts to change. We start new projects and re-commit to old routines. I like to use this time to review the goals I set back in January. I look over what I have accomplished, what still needs to be done, and create action steps to achieve this. I always start a new exercise routine as I am a big slacker during the summer. I also research recipes I can try for the fall since I’ve been eating a lot of salads for a few months. The end of the year is fast approaching and we want to make sure we have fulfilled those promises we made to ourselves.

Get ready to head back to school, back to exercise class, back to the kitchen, back to your projects. Start by creating a calendar of new workout routines, write down what you will be doing each day for the month. Pull out those cookbooks and bookmark two new recipes for the month. I would even say write down new end of the year goals along with action steps you need to take. Renew, Restart, and Recommit to finish this year strong and be the best version version of YOU!

Wellness Wednesday


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As a writer, speaker, educator and coach my goal is to help guide people on their own journey to making a wellness lifestyle work for them.

My holistic approach teaches that it’s not just about the nutrition we put into our bodies or our fitness routine, we also need to take care of our own well-being as well.In order to truly live a healthier life we need to realize this is a shift and change in our whole lifestyle and we must cultivate this lifestyle every day.

I’ve learned that getting to this point is not easy and that’s why I’ve made it my mission to help others achieve this healthy and balanced lifestyle for themselves.

It’s not about being on a diet or trying the latest workout trend.

This is about changing your life forever.